Friday, April 07, 2006


Our annual reviews were this week. I really wasn't too nervous about it since I had gotten a sneak peek at what my manager had said. Our review process is one where you set goals at the beginning of the year and at the end you review yourself and then your boss reviews your performance. I wasn't able to do my self evaluation because I was out on leave yet my boss still had to do her review. This process is done online. The only way for me to write my review was to write in the same document where my supervisor had already written. I knew that she was happy with my performance for last year. In fact what she thought was really great that I completed all my goals in 10 months time.

I knew that I was going to get a nice wage increase because my boss's husband (who works at my company too) told me about the fight that my boss had about my wage with upper management. He told me about this about a month or so ago. I had it in the back of my mind and have been anxious to hear about it. I was absolutely floored when I read the amount. It is even 29% higher than when I started here. That equals about $10,000/year more. Which is 42% higher than what I was paid at my old job. Just keep in mind these changes are all within a 2 year time span. I have my 2-yr anniversary here on the 24th of this month. I think changing companies was a smart decision!

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