Thursday, November 04, 2004

Welcome Again Victoria

My friend and ex-co-worker has chose to join my company. I am VERY happy to be working with her again. I know what you are saying sounds a little fishy huh? I simply sent an e-mail to my professional friends mentioning that we had a opening and if they or someone that they know are interested to send their resume to me.
In any case, I am happy to have the fun and brilliant Vic working with me again. I really love that girl!!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Old Married Woman

Well we have been married for 10 whole days. Have we fought a little. It is little things. The main reason is because I had one of my teeth abcess while on our honeymoon, when the pain meds wore off I got CRANKY!! Other than that I am so in love with this man! I cannot imagine a day without him in my life.

The day was beautiful, unitl it got windy, but it was still gorgeous. Josh looked so incredibly handsome in his tux. My heart skipped a beat just seeing him. Josh broke down during his vows. That way I didn't have too. But it was so sweet. Just to see in his eyes how deep his love is and how he couldn't bring himself to speak the words. I will hold that forever dear to my heart. It was wonderful to see all of our friends and family. I saw relatives that I haven't seen in YEARS!!!! That was really nice.

Now that I have been trying to write this post for 3 days I am just going to post it. I will write more later. These tips that I NEED to get removed are making typing a challenge.....