Friday, December 09, 2005

Bored at Home

This being stuck at home thing isn't all that it has cracked up to be. I am
5, almost weeks post-op. I have worked my way through a lot of my projects. I have started doing some Christmas shopping online. I have almost all of the Christmas Cards done. The truth is the first 3 weeks at home I was still taking naps and resting. The past two weeks I have been starting to go stir crazy. I have knitted and read. I have watched 5, count them 5 seasons of The Soprano's! I am on season 5 of Sex and the City. I have 4 episodes left and then I will have to rent the 6th and final season. After the Christmas shopping is done and I have all the presents wrapped I will pull out the One Stroke Painting. I have been a little nervous about that because I don't have the best fine motor skills. I am worried that it will come out all screwed up! I will try though and practice makes perfect. Hope that I have enough to keep me busy here. After the 19th I will have a better idea of how long my mini vacation will be.