Thursday, December 16, 2004


Well, I bought our last Christmas present on Tuesday! How many people can say that they are completely done Christmas shopping with around 10 days left to shop. There are some people who are getting wedding pictures as Christmas gifts. So we are waiting for those to come in. Otherwise I have EVERYTHING wrapped too!! That is until Jackson unwraps everything. He had one day where he unwrapped 3 gifts. Now he is locked into the laundry room while we are away. I felt so guilty doing it but he has been good in there. AND he has yet to have an accident. He didn't have many when he was loose in the house but he did have a few. That I consider a good thing!! The only problem is that his food and water are in there so we cannot shut the door all the way. So we have to listen to the furnace or the laundry going. We learned too that our dishwasher has a tendency to leak. We thought that the water in the kitchen was due to the sloppy dog drinking water. Well it wasn't it was because the dishwasher leaks at the end of the cycle.

Anyway!!! The house/duplex hunting is going. I liked the place I looked at on Saturday. Hopefully the rent issues can be sorted out. I also looked at a place on Tuesday. I really liked that place. There were 3 drawbacks. 1)the duplex is upstairs/downstairs. 2)We would have to share a garage and 3)the guy upstairs has access to the basement. That may be something that we would/could prohibit. I feel mean about it, but can you really blame me. Oh yeah a fourth. The garage isn't' attached. YUCK!!!

That is all for now!!!!!!!

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