Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Captain Barks-a-lot

I don't even know where to start begin because this situation frustrated me so much. Yesterday I go to the mail box and there is a letter from our landlord. The letter states that their rental load has become to much for them. That they are looking to sell the apartments. There will be an inspection done on Wednesday the 2nd from 1:30pm-5:30pm. On the bottom of the letter there is a note:
P.S. I am not sure of the precise time of the inspection though please keep your dog from barking during the inspection. I came to drop off your manuals and disposal wrench last week and it was barking quite loudly and for a long time and I hadn't even rung the bell!

This is of course paraphrased as I do not have the letter in front of me. So here were the thoughts running through my head:

1. He is a dog. Dogs bark.
2. He is a puppy still puppies bark.
3. At the time of the visit we lived in our apt for maybe 10 days. I know we aren't completely
adjusted how can we expect him to be?
4. If we aren't home we cannot stop our dog from barking.
5. If strangers enter our home when we are not present he will bark.
6. You were outside our home rustling a plastic bag. Hello that is noise.
7. He is locked up right next to the front door he can hear you.
8. How long did you stand outside the door? Did you think that maybe he was barking because
he could still hear you???????
9. If we have a baby are we going to have to sell it because it cries?

So I spent 15 minutes on the phone last night with this woman assuring her that the dog is and was still adjusting. We lived on a quiet street in a 1 level home. Now we live in a noisy neighborhood with an elephant family living upstairs. He and we need to adjust. We are thinking of locking the dog up in the bathroom in our bedroom so that he isn't so close to the door and door noises. 15 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot explain how frustrated I was. We then devised a plan that they would come and look at our place first. Josh will leave at 1:30pm with the dog bring him back by 2:15p so Josh can go to his dentist apt. Ugh! Stupid old Bag!!!!! Next thing you know the new landlord will say we are making this a pet free apt complex. Well then what are we going to do? I know my parents would be a foster home for Jackson. We would miss the little guy. He is our baby. I love coming home to him. He is so excited when we return he cannot contain his excitement. He is a loving dog and a snuggly dog. I wouldn't want to give that up.......

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