Wednesday, April 13, 2005


I have been sitting on this post for a while now. This has been something weighing on my mind quiet heavily. Because relationships/friendships are vital to life. You need to have a good support system. This post is about the relationships and friendships that I have had throughout life. It does not completely include my views on bonds between family members because blood runs thicker than water. You HAVE to maintain your familial relationships no matter what!!

All through my life I have been a passive participant in relationships. By this I mean that I have been the listener, the supporter and the caring person. In relationships I go with the flow. I don't like to make decisions because I do not want to make a decision that will upset the other person. I go to great lengths to make the other person happy even when I am miserable. I put on the happy face even when I am crying inside. I probably don't hide the misery very well but I do. It seems as though all my relationships have been with people with more dominant personalities than me. I never minded it.

Then I had to become a dominant personality. Josh is the same go with the flow don't upset anyone type of person. As you may guess this does not work in a marriage and getting through day to day life. Someone has to make decisions and someone has to be aggressive. The problem is Josh is often so much of a laid back personality that he forgets about himself. He forgets about his needs and wants thinking that they don't matter. I look at that and think that is not healthy. I encourage to tell me of his needs and wants because if he doesn't no one will. My relationship with Josh has changed that for me. We had to learn that we will bump heads and we will fight but in the end that only makes our relationship stronger. We know that we love each other we just have to figure out how to incorporate each other's needs into our own.

In examining my relationship with Josh, I have determined that I am going to renew my views on my relationships. In the past many relationships have strained and faded away due to fights and stupidity. Because of our differences we would just butt heads and it is over. Life is too short. You have to realize that fights will happen but you have to talk it over, forgive, forget and move on. So that is my plan. Everyone has a clean slate. Everyone has a second chance, or third as it may be.

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