Thursday, August 18, 2005

Redneck Journal Entry 156, Tree Trimmin'

Ok Folks here we are. This past Sunday we went to my parents for the day. As usual we had a great time. Josh loves being at the farm. He grew up a city boy and never got to experience the country. He lived in a little unincorporated town once. He considered that the country. He has never experienced what it is like to spend day after day in the fresh air, the smell of hay and cow manure. So any time he spends there is cherished. It was great when we lived closer because we could frequently visit. But now, the times are fewer as we live about an hour away.

Josh, Jackson and I headed out with the arsenal in tow. Josh always brings his paintball gun and .22 pistol along for the ride. So during the day my mother says that they have a tree near the creek (pronounced crick) that has a gypsy moth nest in it. They cannot reach it to cut it down as the branch is over the water. So Josh suggests that they shoot it down with the shot gun. He and Danny successfully trim the tree and place the branch in the burner barrel. Fun Over.

Well, shortly after they went to remove the branch, I look up at my parents black walnut tree and there is a branch hanging down. This tree is old and creaks in the wind. Many times during storms all the vehicles are parked away from the tree as it is known to drop a few branches. So I ask my mom how long has that branch been like that? She doesn't remember seeing it like that before. So she is concerned about it falling on her new grill and her flower pots.

Jerry and Andy get home and he is filled in on the day's tree trimmin' adventure. Other stunts including Danny's friend Seth car hanging off the sunroof of Danny's car while Danny is driving. Mom points out the branch. We eat dinner and Josh and I get ready to leave. We sit outside for a few minutes. Mom expresses her concern over the branch. It comes up that they are going to have to shoot the branch down. So Jerry order's Danny to go inside and get his deer hunting rifle and some rounds.

We all stand behind Jerry as he aims for the branch. He shoots a couple times nothing really happens. All the while he has this shit eatin'' grin on his face. I wish I wouldn't have gotten a picture of it. He looked like a little kid who just got a toy. We are all laughing at how redneck we are and he keeps shooting. The angle isn't going to work so he goes to the other side of the house. He hits the branch once. He aims again and ends up shooting the branch above it so now there are two branches hanging down. He decides to give Danny and Josh an shot at it. They now both have rifles. One shot fires and and the branch sways. Two shots later the bottom branch is on the ground. Another shot and the top branch falls. Success!! The tree is now trimmed and Ma's new grill is saved. All is well on the farm again! I new no one would believe this without documentation. So here is the proof:
The Branch left behind
The Kill
The Great Green Hunters

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