Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My Fashionable New Accessory

Today I went to visit my physical therapist. It was a much anticipated visit because my knee has been giving me problems for a while and it seems in the last month that it has gotten worse. I don't know if that is because I have been using it more this month or if it was because my alignment is all off. I have been tempted to just call my knee doctor and tell him what was going on. I didn't want to do that without talking to some sort of medical professional because if this could be fixed by therapy that would be wonderful. I think that I really threw my therapist for a loop because of the amount of pain that I have been experiencing with my knee. I told my therapist that I really feel that is where my weakness in my right leg is rather than in my hip. My therapist really screwed around with my knee today and I am VERY sore! I found out that I have a multipartite patella. That means that the knee cap is in more than 2 pieces. I now have a new, VERY fashionable taped up knee to make sure that my knee cap stays in the right spot. I have to tape it up daily and remove and night. I am sure that I will have to ice it too. This makes me feel really stupid. What I really have to say about the situation is it is SUMMER for crying out load! I wear shorts and skorts a lot! I am going to look like a big DORK walking around with tape on my knee. I will try to wear capris at work so that I don't have a big loser arrow pointing at me. I guess I will look like a dork until further notice.

I will see my therapist in a week to see if the taping is helping, then I will see my knee guy, Dr Graf on the 6th of September. I wish that I could be normal. I really do!!

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