Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My Gravy Boat Adventures

This past weekend my mother and I went to the Corelle outlet in Oshkosh. At the outlet store I purchased a gravy boat that matched our dish set. I was very excited about the new gravy boat as I did not have one. I had to use a bowl and a ladle and that just isn't as cool as a gravy boat. I was planning on making a pot roast this week so that I could make gravy to use my new gravy boat. I only had rib roasts and mom told me that those weren't the right cut for a pot roast. So this week while I was at work mom called to say that she brought me the pot roast and we could meet to pick it up. When I got off the phone I told my co-workers about my new purchase and how excited I was and how mom was bringing me this roast. It was open season for teasing. They couldn't believe how excited I was over a stupid gravy boat. The running joke now is that I should start the website and just take it places or photoshop my gravy boat into pictures of favorite landmarks. I could make up stories about my gravy boat and things of this nature. I have a hard enough time keeping this website going some days I don't think that is going to happen. But for today consider this website,

Here is my new Gravy boat and the fabulous adventure we had tonight with it holding gravy:

Time for Gravy Boat's Close-up

It's dirty work but someone has to do it

As you can see gravy boat is still casual enough for just the two of us but has a skirted saucer to dress up dinner a little bit. All-in-all I believe that this was a smart purchase. Hooray for Gravy Boat!

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