Monday, September 18, 2006

Welcome to the family!

There have been two unexpected additions to our "family" in the past week. One was expected but not so soon, where the other came out of no where. First off, my parents adopted a dog last week. This is surprising because we were always told that when the dogs that they owned had gone to doggy heaven that they were done. We all knew that this wasn't true because of the way that she fell in love with our little Jackson. She loves to play "go fetch" and makes him cock his head from side to side so that he looks like he is intently listening to you.

We were up in Clintonville seeing my sisters new house and hanging out with the family. We went to the city pound (Brad's group is in charge of care for the animals) to see the cute puppy that Brad was talking about. I think that it was love at first sight for Danny. He loved that dog! She is a cutie! We stole the dog away to the house to meet mom. Mom was guilted into saying that Danny could adopt the dog. So little Daisy is now at the farm raising hell.

The second addition came a little sooner than expected. My friend Heidi was pregnant and due at the end of the month. Betsy's birthday to be exact! I received a phone call Saturday night while I was in the dells for a bachelorette party (another post all together). It was Mitch (Heidi's husband), the message on my voicemail was all scratchy with no voice. So I left the bar and headed outside to call back. I was informed that Heidi was in labor and if I could please come as soon as possible they would like me to tape the birth. We were waiting for the cab to come and take us to another location which was across the street from where we were parked. I ran to the car and called Mitch said I am in the car I am about and hour and a half away, I was gonna stop at home to change clothes and grab overnight stuff and head out. By the time I got home she had already had the baby.

According to both Mitch and Heidi the baby pretty much just fell out. Her labor started at 10:05 at 11pm they called the doctor, she said come in and get checked out. She was at 4 cm and they sent her up to be admitted to her birthing suite. When she got settled in (15-20minutes later) they checked her cervix and she was 5.5 cm. At about 12:30 the anesthesiologist was ordered for the epidural. The anesthesiologist walked out the room at ~12:41, Heidi rolled onto her back at 12:42, baby popped out at 12:43. No big push, baby just came out. The anesthesiologist walked in a few minutes later and took out the epidural. The drugs didn't kick in until after she gave birth. The only people in the room when it happened were Mitch and the nurse. No doctor, nothing.

Welcome to the world Chloe Suellen! I will post a picture tonight!

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