Monday, April 09, 2007

A+ in Therapy

One of my major concerns, and reason for withdrawal these past couple months, has been my knee. I had intended to write while I was off recovering from my surgery. However, my body had different plans for me. The day or two after surgery my leg started popping. Popping like it did before surgery. As you can imagine this hit me really hard. Here I was going through this painful experience and then to feel my knee pop just like I had never had surgery, was very hard to deal with. I knew that it was making me an unpleasant person to be around. I just ignored that and pressed on. It wasn't until three weeks ago at therapy that I lost it. I am glad I lost it there instead of my doctor's office the next day. However, losing your composure is something you really don't want to do.

My therapist Marc is WONDERFUL! I am so glad that we have found each other. He has been fantastic in helping me recover from my hip surgery and guiding me through my knee surgery. That day he went through and showed me how my knee was recovering. He pointed out the problems but showed me the promising things and told me to keep working and things would be getting better. That day I made a promise to myself to really try hard and work hard in the pool and do my exercises at home. I have kept that promise to myself and worked on things at home and pushed myself hard at the pool. I have seen a difference in my strength in fact I climbed 2 flights of stairs this weekend on my own. That is something that I haven't done in over 2 months.

I haven't seen Marc in a couple weeks because we have been alternating between him and his assistant and then he went out of town. Now I have to great guys looking out for me. In fact I was walking in the therapy room today and his assistant was watching me too. Marc told me that I have made the most progress since my surgery in the past three weeks. He was very happy with what I was able to do. He still notices some limp and snapping back of my knee but overall much better. I am so happy that I have been able to accomplish this. I really hope to keep it up and to not have anything else go wrong!

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