Monday, September 27, 2004

Lower than Dog Shit

Many of you know that Josh's parents were invading our house of sin this weekend. I have always felt judged by Josh's mom so this is a hard thing for me. I want her to "feel included" in the wedding then maybe she would show some emotion for us. I don't understand how someone whom I love so much could have been a product of his parents. He is so much like his dad in his mannerisms but looks like his mom. But he was a warm heart, a wonderful personality and partakes in mortal sins which are things his family lacks.

Where do I begin??? My sweetie was helping out at my parent's on Friday by mowing the lawn. Which is something Josh did for a living one summer. I met him at my parent's house, stayed for a short while then headed off to home so he could take a shower and prepare ourselves for the planned invasion. I arrived home to find Josh on the phone with his parents. They were in Spring Green already at the gas station. Josh hopped into the shower and his parents arrived. I went out to greet them with our bastard dog (our first child and he is out of wedlock). His mom brought Rachel's wedding pictures in and "Oh aren't they just SO WONDERFUL?" Sorry I don't know what came over me. Oh that's right I work for the devil. I hoped by looking at the pictures then it would prevent the anticipated "let's look at Rachel's wedding pictures at Jessica's Shower. She doesn't deserve a day to celebrate her and Josh's love. The whole world revolves around Rachel" scenario. Which it did, so much to discuss between now and then.....

So we went out to eat at our favorite restaurant and the location of our rehearsal dinner, The Shed. We got to see the upstairs all ready for a rehearsal dinner which was nice. I think that we are going to be very happy with it. We had a long wait for our dinner so we had some time to talk. The good news first, it seems as though Ben, Josh's brother, will be able to make it home. That is really good. He may actually get Friday-Sunday off so he can spend more time with us.

Now for the bad news, if you have a sensitivity to curse words stop here. I asked Josh's mom how Rachel was going get down here on Saturday. She replied "oh she isn't coming, Michael had three concerts in Indiana and she couldn't live without him for that long. My simple reply was "oh". I practically had to pick my jaw up off the floor. I must have looked pissed because Josh picked up on my frustration right away. All of this anger boiled up inside of me. Hang on here it comes again. I drove 4 count them 4 fucking hours to go to her shower. The shower was at 10 o'clock on a Saturday morning. SO I had to get up at 7am to leave early. I drove through SHITTY weather. And all to be there for a 2 hour family function. I did not do this out of obligation. I did this because that is what you do for your family and friends. You drive ridiculous amounts of time to spend a little while with them. I cannot believe that she wouldn't come. On top of that she is a FUCKING BRIDESMAID! She made sure everyone of her girls were there. A bridesmaid's role is to be there and support the bride. Fucking Bitch!

Ok so I calmed down from that news, to have my blood begin to boil again. Josh's parents have promised us many things and hasn't really followed through yet. They promised that they would come down on Friday morning and help us throughout Friday with things that need to be done. So Josh's mom informs us that Michael has a concert on 10/22. That is the date of our rehearsal dinner. He isn't sure if he is going to attend it. If Michael does come they are going to have Rachel drive down with them. Rachel cannot skip her classes that Friday because attendance is vitally important. So is this wedding she has known for a year and a half when it was going to be and that she was a part of it. Then Michael will have to drive down early Saturday morning. ANYWAY, his parents then inform us that if Michael gets out of the concert they will drive down with Michael and Rachel on that Friday. They aren't sure when Michael will be able to get off of work though. It may be 12:30 -1:00ish. What the FUCK! Didn't you PROMISE that you would be down FRIDAY MORNING?!?!?! Now you are telling me that you may make it down before the rehearsal but you are not sure?!?!

I am PISSED about this for the following reasons:
1. Josh and the guys will be picking up their tuxes at 2 on Friday. If Josh's dad's tux has a problem there isn't a way to get it fixed if it isn't noticed right away.

2. I worked 4 fucking 10 hour days so that I could have Friday off to attend Rachel's BORING personal shower.

3. I went and helped at the church when Rachel did NOTHING she didn't not lift ONE FINGER to help decorate for HER OWN WEDDING!

4. Josh's parents PROMISED that they would be down to help us on Friday!

5. I wanted my girls there in the afternoon to help with things.

6. Rachel cannot SKIP TWO FUCKING CLASSES FOR US! It would be one thing if there were exams but there aren't.

7. I am trying SO HARD to feel like a part of this family but when they don't let you in it is frustrating. You know Rachel never invited me to be back with her on her wedding day, her cousins did. Her cousins offered to have me come and get ready with them. Why does she have to be so COLD. Is it because I will be another daughter and take away her attention? Why?

8. Why couldn't she be decent enough to return the favors that I showed before her wedding?? Why can't she show me the respect that I deserve?

9. Why can't we ever win?

10. Tears flow freely here......

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