Monday, September 20, 2004

Why Can't We Just Get Along?

This weekend was a fun/stressful weekend. I had a bridal shower thrown in my honor by my Step-dad's mom. It was fun! I had a nice time and got several nice and much needed gifts. As my mother so nicely put it "Josh and I still live like college students" Meaning we have a mishmash of furniture, pots and pans, flatware and dinner ware. That is VERY true. One of the most exciting things about getting married is picking out MATCHING stuff to register for. Yeah Matching!!! You know also the whole actually GETTING MARRIED thing, that's ok.....

So during the shower my mom received a phone call from my Step-dad. He has been having troubles since he had his teeth pulled being tired and feeling ill. My step-dad has had a problem with infections for the past 2 years. He gets them very badly, so badly that he has to usually go into the hospital for antibiotics and to stay for a couple days. Well he went in and had blood drawn on Thursday by Friday the blood culture had grown up. So he went in Friday to have more blood work and have an ecocardiogram. The blood work again grew up. My step-dad called during the shower to say the Dr. had called and that they suggested that he come in immediately. So we ended the shower as quickly as possible and left.

Now I am having a shower this weekend thrown by my MOH at my parent's house. Now there is a lot of work to do there as far as cleaning and fixing up. My parent's house is a 150+ year old farmhouse. It gets dirty pretty easily as most houses do. So my parents, are fixing up the house before the shower and the gift opening. They have torn the bathroom apart and are putting in a new floor, toilet, and vanity. The house also had to be pretty deep cleaned as far as washing the windows, cupboards, and all the glassware and knick knacks my mom has. So Saturday night while my mother was at the hospital my sister called. She was telling me that I HAD to come over on Sunday and help clean since my mother was going through all of this for me and that it would be selfish for me not to. Well, I really didn't appreciate that. I know that my mother is going through a lot right now. I had already promised that I would come over this week and help her with whatever needed to be done. I just really wanted Sunday for me to clean my house. My in-laws(to be) are coming as well as we girls are going to crash there Saturday night after the Bachelorette Party. I thought that I should have a clean house. I tried to explain this to my sister and tell her I already promised to be there this week. She wouldn't listen. I told her that I would come AFTER I got some of my stuff done at my house. I had to wash curtains, bedding and organize the wedding room (the spare bedroom). So I did that stuff ran and errand and got to my parent's around 2.

I helped cleaning the cupboards, removing all the tins, wiping them down and then putting them back up. What a pain and a filthy job. Like I said the house gets dirty quickly and easily when you live on a farm/dirt road. In the middle of cleaning I stop to help my sister hang the clean curtains. We get into a fight......didn't take long. My sister and I have fought like cats and dogs for many years. Needless to say I stopped helping her. I continued cleaning the tins/cupboards. I got to the last cupboard and was getting irritated by the dust and dirt so I went into the living room to sit down for 5 minutes. I wanted to see how the Nascar race ended. Most importantly I wanted to see where my hero Dale Earnhardt Jr. finished and see how he ranked in the points standings. She yelled at me for sitting down, then watching TV. I finished watching what I was watching got up finished my cupboards, took my "rotten ass dog" and left. I honestly don't think she understands the stress that I am under. Planning a wedding is NO easy feat. I wasn't planning on leaving my mom high and dry with the cleaning, I just was going to help when it was better for me to do it. I think she felt that if she didn't see me there she wouldn't believe that it would be done......
Stupid sister.........

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