Monday, October 18, 2004

Wedding Forcast

This is not only a wedding day weather forcast but a mental forecast as well.....

The day is forecasted to be a high of 60 and sunny. Thank you weather Gods!!!! I will keep giving you bribes to keep this forecast.

Many ppl cannot believe that I am doing ok. I am, I really am. Except for the fact that I somehow got an AWFUL back ache yesterday I am fine. I was fine when I woke up and it was almost as if something "snapped" all of a sudden I couldn't do ANYTHING! I spent most of yesterday confined to the couch. I know that I should try moving but moving HURTS! It causes screaming and crying and whining on my part. Which isn't pleasant for any of he involved parties. I raided my parents narcotics stash yesterday, I love tylenol with Codine. I think I may have to move up to some Percocet. My family has been in the hospital so much this past year that there are several half empty bottles of stuf for me to chose from.

Other than that I think we are ready. My mother is finishing the pew bows, which are pretty much the last thing on the list besides paying ppl and calling and confirming a few things. Trust me you will hear about when I start to lose sleep. Right now I am just having wedding nightmares.

I cannot belive in 5 days I will be Mrs Joshua Honer.....

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