Tuesday, January 11, 2005


For some reason I have been dreading my blog. Don't ask me why. Is it because I am using all of my energy to move and don't want to take the energy to think. I actually used the thinking energy for this week last week. Our yearly self assessments were to be done by Friday the 14th. Well, last Wednesday(the 5th) our acting manager told us that our self assessments were pushed up to be due on the 7th. For those of you who struggle with math that is a week. 7 whole days. I had this energy set aside to do my assessment this week. So on Friday I spent the WHOLE day working on my self assessment. Why didn't you work on it Thursday you ask? I stayed home Thursday we got quite a bit of snow and I didn't feel like putting my life in that hands of the crazys on the road. So I toiled and struggled with the right words. Wanting to make myself sound like a great asset without being arrogant. My husband will tell you I can put myself down until I am blue in the face. I am one of the best self bashers in the world. When I am required to write something good about myself I struggle. I don't' know why. I do know why, I have low self-esteem. I don't consider myself a pessimist but I often look at the bad side of things. I am not as bad as Josh. But, this isn't good. So anyway, babbling aside I got my self assessment done, my boss hasn't told me that I was way off base. I found the good to talk about. Hopefully that gives me a good raise.

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