Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Happy Moving Day!

Saturday is the big day. I have been busy packing. Note: I am not saying that I am the only one packing, but it seems that way. I went out today to find a shower curtain that will match the towels that we had on our registry at Kohls. That was a chore. I found one that was pretty close. The only thing is that the curtain also has purple in it. I really wanted to get the purple rugs, but I have to run it by Josh first. Also I am not sure what size to get yet.

The thing that really sucks is that we just re-arranged the cupboards after the wedding. Now we have to pack those all up and do it all again. That is what I am dreading. I am also dreading laundry. My plan is to do laundry tonight. What I really wanted to do wash everything before it is packed. The only towels as of current that are dirty are the ones that we use daily. The bedding is the next big chore. I have to strip the twin bed and wash that. We washed all of the blankets a while ago and stored them. I will have to see if they are ok. I need to wash the blankets that we keep in the living room and the couch cover and all of that good stuff. I started the kitchen packing last night. I think that room is the hardest. You don't really think that you have a lot of stuff until you start to open cupboards. Pretty soon we will have 3 boxes of kitchen appliances alone. Then there are all of the dishes. I pulled out the picnicware last night. I put every dirty dish into the dishwasher and washed it. That way they would all be clean, dry and ready to be packed tonight. Oh how much fun this is!!!!

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