Monday, February 28, 2005

18 days... I am sorry

Well it has been 18 days since my last post. I know. I am slacking. I just haven't had the urge to write. I don't think that I have felt creative enough to do it. It is that time of year. How can I write when it is so dark and gray outside. I actually started writing posts several times and haven't got up the gusto to do it. I don't know what about today has spurred some sort of ambition. Maybe it is the pretty snow flakes fluttering by my window. Maybe it is the lack of sleep due to staying up to watch the Oscars. The thing is I haven't really seen any of the movies that were nominated. I just didn't want to be left out of the Oscar Buzz.

On a more focused note. My Chinese Carrot is almost ready to be picked. I can actually see the carrot poking out of the top of the dirt. I am debating on when I should pick it. I am definitely waiting until after this week. My co-worker is in Mexico and I am sure that he would like to see the carrot. So I will definitely wait until he comes back. I hope it actually tastes like a carrot. My biggest fear is that I watered it too much and it is going to be a mushy carrot.

Let's see.....Josh is liking his new job. Today he traveled to Sheboygan to the Wal-Mart store there. Why I don't know. This new job has him traveling a little more between stores. That is fine, but it would be nice to tell me when he travels. This morning when I got out of the shower he was on the internet looking at mapquest. I asked him what he was looking up. He practically yelled "I needed to know how to get to Sheboygan from here. I told you a long time ago I had to go there today!!" My first thought is, ok so you told me and I forgot. The second thought is maybe you could have dropped that into some conversation yesterday instead of yelling at me now. There were several lulls in conversation he could have filled with. "Oh yeah, remember I am going to Sheboygan tomorrow." But No, that never happened.

We decided that we are heading down to Florida this May to visit my grandparents. I haven't seen my grandparents in close to a year. My grandma was in a lot of back pain last fall. Now she is better. What a fighter that lady is. So Josh is looking forward to that. Josh hasn't been able to spend very much time with my grandparents. I just hope that he will talk. I have a very tough time getting him to talk, he better talk when he is around them!!! He is looking forward to fishing with my grandpa. I am looking forward to some time with my grandma. I grew up spending time with my grandma Chase and Grandma Dorothy. I miss that!! I cherished all those times. The picking apples, making applesauce, fishing, gardening, making 'sghetti sauce and all the times Chelsea and I played dress up! Oh to be a child again and have very few cares in the world!

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