Sunday, March 13, 2005

Sunday, Sunday

Where to begin? I cannot believe there is sun!!!! I am way excited about this. It is giving us hope that winter maybe over soon. Second, our old apt in Spring Green got rented. So we don't have to trouble Wal-Mart for another month of rent. Plus when we get the security deposit back that is another $500 that goes in the House fund. We have had a good first couple months of the year here as far as saving goes. I am happy with that. Maybe we will have enough money by the time Josh moves next time to buy a house!! That would be nice. I am starting to get claustrophobic in this apt. Yes we have only been here for 2 months but I am ready to have a place of our own, where we don't have to hear the guy upstairs walking his pet elephant.

Thirdly, we are heading to Florida in May to visit the grandparents. My Grandpa called today. He seemed disappointed that we were only staying for 4 nights. That is all that I have for vacation now. Josh has a week. He can use those 2 extra days somewhere else. Next year we will both have 3 weeks of vacation. Yeah!!! He told us not to rent a car, that we could use theirs when we are down there. It isn't as though we were going to be going too far anyway. We are there to relax and spend time with them.

My great-aunt Ruby passed away this week. She was the only sibling of my maternal grandpa's still with us. Now there is only one great-aunt left. My grandma's sister. That is really sad when you lose a whole generation of your family. It makes you wonder if you learned everything that you could have from them.

That is all for today!!! See you soon!

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