Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I really liked RENT! I liked it a lot! I love the rock n' roll soundtrack! I thought that it was touching and funny. I really enjoyed the performance. I am glad that I went to see it! My complaints have more to do with the Overture center. We were sitting in the second row from the top. So, not that great of seats. I don't know if it is the way the music should be or if they were having technical difficulties but you often times couldn't understand the singers or even hear them over the background music. Therefore it was hard to understand the plot at times. We got together at the end of the performance and were able to put the plot together. Now that I understand the plot I am going to see the movie and see how it compares and to fill in any things that we missed. I bought the soundtrack (could only find the movie version) from Wal-Mart this morning on the way to work. I really enjoyed the songs and thought that I should own the soundtrack. Being able to hear and understand the words I appreciate the music even more.

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