Monday, March 06, 2006

Nap Time

I am so tired I don't know what to do with myself. Since I have been back to work I have been wiped out everyday. Being at the pool 3 times a week tends to wear me out. This is my pool workout:
15 minutes water walking
10 minutes skipping
8-10 minutes side lunges with wings (walking sideways, not crossing legs, wings are to provide resistance)
3 reps of 20 step-downs/leg
2 reps of 20 hip side to sides (in and outs)
5 reps/leg of balancing on one leg for 30 seconds

Then the other 4 days a week I do these at home:
2 reps of 15 bridges with squeezing ball between my knees.
5 reps of balancing on L leg for 20 sec
3 reps of 10 side steps with resistance band around ankles
2 reps of 10/leg skaters touch (touch backs) with resistance band around ankles
3 reps of 8 side leg lifts with resistance band around knees
10 reps of tummy suckers holding 10 secs/lift. These suckers are hard if not damn near impossible.

I have piles of books to read no wonder I can't get to them huh? Things are getting easier, but I am definitely keeping busy with it all. The bonus is that between all the pool stuff and not snacking so much at work I am starting to lose weight again. I pretty much maintained my weight (within 5lbs) while I was off. Which I am proud of, but now I am at the low end of what I was right after surgery.

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