Saturday, August 29, 2009

Human Punching Bag

Early in my pregnancy I waited and waited to feel the baby move. Not sure what it was going to feel like. Each little gas bubble was "Oh was that a kick? Was that movement?" Now it has become so deliberate and I can pretty much feel the baby moving every day. Especially after meals. Everything I read says this is a magical time and you will feel like you are bonding with your baby. I haven't quite felt that yet. I cannot get over what an odd sensation it is. Just to be lying on the couch and feel your stomach moving. Granted I have gotten used to it and this is MUCH better than throwing up. It is just weird!

The exciting thing is that Josh can now feel it on a regular basis and that helps him to feel a connection to the baby. He felt the baby for the first time 3 or 4 weeks ago. It felt like little fluttery movements to him because the movements were small. One night last week we were laying on the couch together and Josh had his hand on my stomach and he got drilled with a kick or punch. The look on his face was priceless. He could believe that really strong movement was the baby. I had to confirm it for him. Now those movements happen regularly and he can just put his hand on my stomach and hang out with the baby too.

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