Monday, June 28, 2004

Is it Friday yet?

I have had the most busy as frustrating day since I started my new job. I LOVE my job very much!! I am so glad that we found each other! I just have had a horrible day. It actually started friday afternoon. There is a piece of equipment here that is a result of one of the company's acquisitions. It is a piece of crap. I need to use the machine to determine what to go forward with. I spent most of the afternoon messing with it.

Today I get to work and my supervisor and I talk about cell line deadlines. I am totally doing ok with it but I have a short week next week because of the holiday and my friend's wedding. So I will be pulling my hair out then too. I would rather be busy with this stuff than be bored. This is stress that I can handle where as with my other job I couldn't handle the stress because it was caused by my old supervisor. That stress was unbearable. Hence the new job.

I had a problem with a test that I performed today and I had to do a two hour segment of it over. So I am working until late tonight. That is ok because I can leave 2 hours earlier on Friday and have a little bit longer weekend.

Back to work....... :(

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