Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Will the Barking Ever Stop?

As you know we bought a dog in March. He is turning 6 months old a week from today. I know that having a dog is hard work. You have to diligently train him and exercise them and everything. Somewhere in the past 4 months we went wrong. Jackson has turned into a barking, car chasing, cat taunting, peeing on the bedroom floor in the middle of the night fool. So being the good dog parents that we are we want him to stop doing this stuff before we sell him to the people who eat dog(trying to be pc). We keep threatening him that we will do it. But alas it never happens.

So last night I spent a large chunk of my evening at Petsmart. I really like the store a lot. I love all of the fun things that they have to keep our puppy occupied when we can't. It took a large chunk of the evening because the customer service was awful!! I walked around for atleast 10 minutes looking for an associate. I found one over by the reptiles messing with an aquarium. So I patiently waited for several minutes waiting for her to put it back together. When she was finished she started to walk away from me so I said "Ma'am I need some help." To which she replied in a snotty tone "I am helping someone else right now." So I waited for the Bitch to get off the phone to help me get into the pet electronics case to find something to make my dog stop barking. When she finally got off the phone she couldn't help me anyway so I had to wait another 15 minutes for a manager to come and open the case. I finally after 45 minutes walked out of the store with the machine that is supposed to stop dogs barking in an area.

This is a machine that when a dog barks continuously it makes a sound that they can only hear that makes them stop. It also has a manual push button to use when they aren't barking quite enough or loud enough to set the thing off. When I got home I tried it on Jackson several times with GREAT success. I am very happy with it so far.

Now if only they made something like that for Josh.........actually I wish that he would talk more.

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