Thursday, July 15, 2004

100 days to go?

Today has just been one of those days that you want to end but doesn't. I have been having problems with my projects at work. They just aren't working like they are supposed to.   I just want to cry.  Not only are things not going so well with my tests, I have to give a presentation on Wednesday.  Have I started???  Of course not.  They say "Oh nothing formal, just a 15 minute talk about the pathways of your cell line, where it holds promise on the disease front and where you are with the project.  The big deal is that this is the first time that I have given a speech at work.  This is like a test to prove that I am a competent employee.  I know that it isn't really true but I don't want to look like a total ass in front of my co-workers. 
Not only are things at work not so great we have now hit 100 days to the big day.  I know that may seem like not a big deal but a year ago it was 465 days.  I have watched the days slip by slowly at first now they are slipping through our hands like water.  Each day I grasp for the time that was lost that day.  I feel like the day is going to be here before we will know it and will we have everything done by then?  I sure hope that we can make it through the next 1o0 days.....
I don't know with the road construction on highway 14 I hope I can keep my sanity. 

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