Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Sad Time of Year?

Since being introduced to the wonderful world of blogging by my friend kmoka I have become an avid blog reader. I have developed quite the blog roll in my favorites folder in explorer. I have found wedding blogs, dating blogs, political blogs, and just blogs.

I have for some reason been sucked into several blogs that deal with the emotions dealing with the experiences of trying to conceive and fighting infertility. I don't know why I am reading them. Maybe deep inside I am fearful that I will have to go through this. Maybe it is so I truly appreciate the miracle of life. Maybe it is because I am a bleeding heart. Two of the women have just failed another round of IVF. What is next for them? As sad as their story is I can't wait to see if they can have a baby, if they chooses a surrogate. These women are so sad and both at the same time.

Then my dooce has been struggling with post partum depression and anxiety. It was so severe that she checked herself into a mental institution for several days to help to balance out her life. Part of the balance was to find a drug cocktail that she can live with. More tears.......

What is it with all this sadness? Is it because it has been a colder than usual summer? Why have I chosen such somber reading materials?? Will the world ever cheer up???

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