Sunday, April 03, 2005

Only The Lonely

Well, Josh has made is pilgrimage to Mecca. I only wish he wasn't going to be gone this long. When I dropped him off at the airport today I said good-bye for 12 LONG days. Aside from a summer in college I have never lived alone. Even during that time Josh and I were dating so it wasn't like I was living alone so we spent almost every night together. Since Josh and I made the commitment to our relationship about 4 years ago this will be the longest I have been without seeing him. During the time that I was between school and work I spent almost every weekend with him. Since we lived together the longest we have been apart is the week that Mom, Danny and I went to Florida.

Josh and I have gone through a rough week preparing for him to go. We have been at each other's throats all week. If it wasn't me getting mad at him for letting the laundry "die" in the dryer, he was mad at me for telling him he couldn't buy parts for his paintball gun. So maybe his trip was timed perfectly, but it is still going to be hard. I am glad that I have my little Jackson to come home to. He has been snuggling with me all day. I am sure that he wonders what is going on. I left today with Josh and came home along. He looked really confused when I returned home alone.

So, off I go to sleep in my Queen size bed all alone. I will enjoy the extra space but, I will miss the safety and comfort I feel with Josh beside me.

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