Friday, January 20, 2006

Can't Sleep

I have WAY too much on my mind. I am excitedly awaiting my Passion Party this weekend. The final count will be 10-15 people in my apartment on Sunday afternoon. With the excitement comes lists. I have to finish the grocery list, the cleaning list, my mom's list of things to bring. On top of that I have felt the need to purge and re-organize some things. That makes my cleaning last twice as long. It took me the better part of the week to find a fondue recipe that I really like. I think that I FINALLY found it!

On top of the party I am waiting out my disability check nightmare. I REALLY hope that I will get a check soon!!! I haven't been paid since Dec 12th. That really sucks!! I scheduled my party before this nightmare happened. Luckily I HAVE to use the sick time that I just received at the first of the year. That brings me income right now.

The last thing on my mind is my hip. My doctor's appointment is on the 6th. That is now less than 3 weeks away. I am coming along VERY well with my recovery. I have just hit a small hill. My walking continually gets better. I do my exercises as I am supposed to. I still have some weakness in my hip. I still have a little wobble when I walk. I am expected to have a little bit of a limp. Dr Mann said that I will be walking completely normally a year after my surgery. I am just HOPING that it gets better now. I do walk around the house sometimes without my cane. I waddle like an old lady. I have to get rid of that before I can go without the cane. That I am sure of. I just don't want to sit at home anymore. I am READY to go back to work.

When I couldn't sleep as a child all I would have to do is tell someone that I couldn't sleep. Then I usually drifted off. I hope the same works tonight. I really need to sleep. I need the energy to clean Friday and Saturday!!

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