Monday, June 21, 2004

Just another Manic Monday

I have been reading several weblogs in the past few months and was wondering how hard this could be. I am at a very exciting point in my life. We have a new puppy and are getting married. Besides this being an exciting time it is also VERY stressful and I hope to relieve some stress by blogging. Our wedding is october 23rd of this year. I am doing pretty good at the planning thing but sometimes I feel WAY overwhlemed when it comes to getting everything done.

My puppy is the cutest thing ever. He is a rat terrier. He turns 5 months old today! Happy BIRTHDAY JACKSON!!!! One month from now we will be taking awawy his manhood. Real nice parents we are huh? He has already become a horny little bastard and we cannot have that on our hands. The horny fiancee is enough for me.

And I wish it would stop raining. It feels like we have gotten three feet of rain in wisconsin. I don't think that we have had a week without rain since april. I know that we need it but the farmers are starting to suffer and if the river gets too much higher we will have to start taking a boat to work. It would definately be less traffic that way.

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