Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Wedding Day Strangler

For our wedding we are making our own invitations, favors, programs and anything else to save money. Last night I asked Josh to perform a very simple and necessary task cutting raffia to the appropriate length to tie the invitations together. Simple enough right????? Obviously not if I am writing about it. He proceeded to pitch a royal fit!!! You would have thought that I asked him to pull his own leg hairs out one by one until they were all gone. I could not believe it!! So if he didn't cut the raffia who would??? Of course ME. It was easy enough cut the strings and put them in the box. It was easy enough and he could watch his precious Monday night Discovery channel at the same time. He whined and complained the whole time. On top of that Jackson kept taking the scrap pieces and running around the house with him. I tried SO hard not to laugh at that but it was hilarious!!! I was prety mad because this is just the beginning of the crap that needs to be done. Needless to say I packed his bags and send him on a huge guilt trip. Because I'll be damned if I am doing this all myself.

I know that the wedding is four months from tomorrow but we are SO busy with stuff this summer it is unbelieveable. I feel like everyone said to each other lets plan all of our weddings and have babies this year so that Josh and Jess have no money. How dare they......

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