Monday, August 02, 2004

The Price of Beauty

I have decided to beautify myself for the wedding. My beautification for the moment is whitening my teeth. I have a bridge across my front teeth so the whitening isn't going to do anything for those teeth but they are still white. My bottom and side teeth are the one's that are really affected by soda and stuff like that. So on saturday I went to Wal-Mart to buy every household cleaner as we were out of EVERYTHING! So I swung down the handsoap aisle which happens to be the same aisle as the tooth care aisle. So I decided to purchase some Crest Premium Whitestrips. I figured hey it is cheaper than getting it done at the dentist office and paying up the wazoo for it. And if it doesn't work I am only out $30 not $300.

So I tried it out Saturday night. I also wore the strips for 1/2 twice yesterday per the instructions. By the end of the evening my teeth were pretty sensitive. So I bit the bullet this morning and applied the strips again. The sensitivity in my teeth isn't all THAT awful but it is just uncomfortable. I think that I will try to apply them 8-12 hours apart and see if that helps the sensitiviy issue. Gee I hope that it will be worth it!!!!!!!

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